About Us
About Us
Computers have made our lives simple and very convenient by offering our needs at a click of a mouse through online shopping thereby saving a significant amount of our time to go to the local market and buy them. Thus, if you wish would enjoy the benefits of this incomparable system and wish to have a better hold in today’s modern technology then you need to have at least basic computer knowledge. SBSCI has been introducing training programs to meet the challenges of computer revolution. SBSCI has developed a set of certificate courses each for long duration and short duration. The long-term courses vary from duration of six months to three years and metamorphose a teenage student into a thorough bred polished computer professional. The special short term certificate courses vary from one week to twelve weeks duration and are specifically job oriented. SBSCI is breeding computer professionals right from the initial stages of a student’s career. SBSCI is trying to create an ideal society in India, based on the principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and justice, as taught by Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. In such a society every human being will have the opportunity to fulfill their genuine needs, and they will not be discriminated against on account of their background or beliefs. Although this may be a very distant goal for India, SBSCI is committed to playing its part in trying to bring it about.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Computer Institute (SBSCI) is one of the premier organizations in the field of Information Technology. It was established at Bhikhiwind (Tarn Taran) in June 2006; Shaheed Bhagat Singh Computer Institute (SBSCI) has added numerous feathers to its colourful cap of Quality Education and has opened its new IT centers in various states.
We provide the several program which aims to give students the necessary skills and knowledge to organize and manage modern IT effectively. This Institute has not been established just to prepare student for earning computer certification. “The main purpose is to help students to cultivate techno skill, self-knowledge and self-confidence, so that each student can make him-self stand in this competitive word with Professional skills.” Teaching the course curricula, preparing students for the examinations and earning certification are only the means employed for the end. Whereas our mission is to make student’s personality is such a way where our students will be shining examples of knowledge awareness and its beneficial consequences to the individual and to the society.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Computer Institute (SBSCI) has been awarded an ISO 9001:2008 and 9001:2015 Certification in July -2007 to till for its standard and Quality Management System.
• An ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 10002:2004 & ISO 27001:2013 Certified Institute.
• All India Valid Certification.
• Online Result Verification.
• Online Registration
• Low Fees Structure.
• Regular Quality Check-up.